The history of the peninsula is really interesting. Near the beginning of the trail, about half way up the first hill there is the remains of two old stone ruins of a foundations. It is said that these are the remains of the Yawzi Quarantine Camp. This is where they would bring slaves that had contracted Yaws, a skin disease similar to Leprosy, to isolate them until they died.
The trail itself is usually overgrown, depending on the time of year that you visit and juts out into the ocean with a spectacular view. The reason that I am so drawn to this trail to photograph is the flora, it is amazing and always changing. It is located on the south side of St. John, which is hotter and more arid then the rest of the island. The trail winds and weaves through a lot of thorny vegetation, many different types of cactus like Turks Caps and Queen of the Night, century plants, maran bush, frangipani and many others.
Please take a look at the photos bellow.
The photo above and below are the exact same location on the trail, at two different times of year.